“My Fault” movie plot summary – A Spanish Romantic Thriller

"My Fault" is an engaging drama that explores the intricacies of relationships and personal responsibility. It exposes the realities concealed beneath an attractive exterior.

Rating: 6.2/10 IMDb

Time Duration: 1h 51m
Release Date: 8 June 2023
: Nicole Wallace, Gabriel Guevara, Fran Berenguer, Iván Massagué, Marta Hazas, Noah Casas, Iván Sánchez, Eva Ruiz, Adriana Ubani, Victor Varona, Pablo Riguero, Eve Ryan, Lucas Nabor, Rocio Peláez, Paloma Catalán, Jaime Ordóñez, Daniel Martínez, Mariano Venancio, Jonathan Rod, Jose Palacios, Mónica Caballero, Mariano Andres, Alvaro Navarro
Director: Domingo González
Writer: Mercedes Ron
Genres: Drama, Romance
Maturity Rating: A
violence, sexual content, foul language, nudity, alcohol use, substance use, tobacco depictions
Languages Available: English, Italiano, Deutsch, Español (descripción de audio), Português, Español, Hindi, Françias, Euskara, Polski, Català, Galego, Japanese
Available On: Prime Videos

Main Cast

I Plot Line

Domingo González's 2023 Spanish romantic drama "My Fault" explores relationships, life transitions, and reincarnations.
In the beginning, Noah, a strong and attractive young woman, is compelled to move out of her home and into the opulent home of her mother's new wealthy husband, William Leister, who has a son similar to her age from a previous marriage. 
At first, Noah found it challenging to get along with her attractive and charming stepbrother Nick, who had a completely different personality from her own. While Noah is an independent and responsible girl, Nick has a pampered and stud-like mentality. Noah and Nick fell in love with one another despite having quite different personalities, and a passionate romance that they were unable to control developed between them.
A major stumbling block in their courtship and love was their complicated relationship. 
Watch how they approach their parents after their covert relationship is revealed.
The romance, drama, and tension that underpin "My Fault" create a story that speaks to themes of love, acceptance, and personal development.

If you are looking for more romance.

I Positive Points

With its romantic plot and captivating Spanish thriller style, the film keeps you on the edge of your seat the entire time. The cast gives a powerful performance, particularly the lead performers with their emotional parts. The film moves steadily, keeping viewers glued to their seats. It is completed with a love film with a hint of suspense and action.

I Negative Points

The topic of this film is that romantic relationships between siblings or step-siblings are not acceptable in our culture. It is detrimental to the youth of today and their familial bonds. This movie promotes all the wicked things, like illicit automobile racing, fights in secret, and careless pool parties, which are deleterious to our younger generation. The film has a straightforward plot and is overhyped. Side characters have underdeveloped roles. Furthermore, many viewers may be greatly disappointed by the cliffhanger ending.


How does "My Fault" stand out from other movies about relationships and accountability?

What social or cultural issues does "My Fault" explore?


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